
Updated: 2018-12-04 10:28:53


2018 CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS AND COMPETITIVE BALANCE– Six different associations won 2018 DIVISION 1 Championships out of seven possible slots; again showing the continued competitiveness of Nor Cal Youth Football.  Congratulations to the Vacaville Bengals who won D1 Championships on two different levels (MM and 11U) as well as to the 300 Elite Spartans (14U), Sacramento Ducks (12U), Vallejo Jaguars (Cadet), San Francisco Brown Bombers (TM Southwest) and South Sacramento Vikings (TM Northeast).   Also congratulations goes out to all the D2 winners, as well as all the teams that participated and made the Nor Cal playoffs a great success in 2018.


12U ALL-STAR TEAM– The Nor Cal 12U all-star team lost their first game at Nationals, have a bye Tuesday and will play for the third place trophy on Friday against the Phoenix All-Stars.  Many team go to Nationals but only a few come away with the championship trophy so it is not just about winning and losing; it is about putting together a GREAT EXPERIENCE FOR THE KIDS – one they will remember the rest of their lives.  My kids still talk with their friends about how great their experience was going to nationals – even though 20 years have passed by.  In addition most of the kids who went on this trip this year had never been outside of CA and some had never been on a plane.  They are meeting kids from all over the country and developing relationships that will last lifetime.   Congratulations to Charles and Kim who overcame major roadblocks and barrios to put this trip together for the kids.




Past Results:










  • 2010 Championship Results


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